
Osteopathy as a Philosophy
Osteopathy began as a process of realization that occurred over the lifetime of its founder Andrew Taylor Still. Still realized over time that nature is inherently sustainable and healthy and that the human body is no different. He saw that the human body contains all the necessary components to maintain and regulate itself in a healthy way so long as nothing was preventing its action in doing so.

What is Osteopathy?
Osteopathy has a rich history and deep potential that if given the time and patience to explore, can be rewarding both as a patient and a practitioner.

The Myth and Mystique of Good Posture
What is good posture? It’s a fable that you may be able to picture (and assume once you are reminded) yet this ever-elusive condition escapes us all too often once our mind wanders to other things. There are many reasons why good posture is helpful and something worth striving towards but there are also reasons why it can never be achieved in the ideal way you imagine.

Injury Identity
Understand the effects of creating an identity around your injury and how to move past it during your recovery