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  • Osteopathic Manual Therapy is a form of therapy that involves “hands-on” treatment much like other forms of manual therapy (physiotherapy, massage therapy, chiropractic). The goal of treatment is to correct the structures of your body through intentional, gentle movement to reintegrate all systems in your body.

  • “Osteo-” refers to bones but also refers to structure, “-pathy” refers to suffering or disease. In the context of a therapeutic system of healing, Osteopathy doesn’t just consider the bones but includes the suffering of all structures in the body. By considering these aspects, Osteopathy aims to treat the whole body as a mechanically complex and unified system to facilitate the natural ability that it possesses to heal and regulate itself.

  • Osteopathy will benefit each person differently based on factors such as their age, injuries, job requirements and personal activities to name a few. By improving the efficiency of movement in your body, your entire system will be able to work better as a collective. In a broad sense, this can result in improved health, sleep quality, digestion, and perceived energy in your day although more specific improvements can be made in a wide range of areas.

  • Through skilled observation, palpation, and motion testing, an Osteopathic Manual Therapist identifies areas within your body that are causing restrictions. They will use your own body to free up restricted areas so that it no longer resists or limits itself. Osteopathic treatment can improve the efficiency of the system as a whole allowing all parts to work collectively as they should.

  • Osteopathy is for anyone who has a body. It is a simple and effective addition to the lives of anyone who wants to move better, feel better and maintain their quality of life. It can help kids navigate through growth spurts, people who experience injuries of all kinds, or elderly individuals looking to maintain their mobility and independence.

  • Osteopathy is covered through all major insurance providers in Ontario. Contact your provider to learn about how much you are covered for through your workplace benefits package.

  • Osteopathic treatment always begins with a detailed health history, an assessment of your posture, and movement testing to determine areas of restrictions and a global pattern of compensation. Osteopathic treatment follows which will always be done fully clothed, and will not include any forceful or sudden movements.

    Treatment will require you to relax as best as you can while the practitioner moves different parts of your body to liberate the restrictions found during the assessment. The thorough nature of Osteopathic treatment will require you to change positions often to gain better leverage while maintaining the most amount of comfort. If anything in the treatment is uncomfortable, you are free to change or stop treatment at any time.

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