Injury Identity

Injuries not only impact a person’s physical ability, but also their psyche. These changes can create limitations that can be perceived long-term and end up becoming part of their self-identity. Have you ever heard someone say, “I injured my (knee, back, shoulder, etc) years ago and it hasn’t been the same since,” or “I can’t do that activity anymore because of my old injury”? Despite the potential truth to these statements they are nevertheless self-limiting. It always begins in a genuine way with the injury but the perspective may never change thus the recovery process may never have a sincere chance to be complete. These statements are so common that it can begin to influence that person’s identity and lifestyle well after physical healing has taken place. Every time a person is confronted with a challenge because of their injury, it reinforces self-limiting statements, further entrenching those limitations as part of their new identity. Physical barriers that were present during the recovery process can linger in their minds for much longer if the psychological aspect in recovery is not considered potentially extending those limitations long after healing has taken place.

In no way am I an expert in the realms of psychology, but I know first hand the damage that can persist due to the beliefs held by someone recovering from an injury. Those beliefs may have stemmed from a diagnosis or a statement of a health professional, from passing comments made by friends or family, or they could be held voluntarily in an effort to maintain helpful aspects that came with the injury. Regardless of the source, it can create unnecessary barriers to recovery. Identifying yourself through an injury or limitation will do nothing but obscure your potential to heal.

Changing one’s perception of an injury from a limitation that is persistent to one that is temporary is a crucial part that is often overlooked or underappreciated in rehabilitation. To view an injury as something that is creating limitations in the present, while knowing that those limitations don’t necessarily determine your future is a crucial concept that needs affirmation. Speaking about your injury with positive intentions is a subtle but important part in recovery; saying things like, “I will be able to do that soon,” is better than saying, “I can’t do that anymore.” Likewise, separating yourself from your injury so as not to allow it to be a defining feature of you as a person will alter your experiences during recovery. These are fundamentally different states of mind that will change your ability to recover and prosper in the long term.

It is important to consider the words you tell yourself when you are recovering from an injury and it is even more important to consider the words you say to someone else who might be currently injured or recovering. Even though it may seem innocent and may come from a good place, saying things like “you need to be more careful now,” or “watch-out or you’ll hurt yourself,” are all limiting statements that perpetuate a state of caution and avoidance. Contributing to someone’s injury identity can inadvertently end up hindering their perspective through the healing process.

To avoid developing an injury identity, focus on the positive side of the healing process for yourself as well as others. Changing your perspective will create a better opportunity to overcome the physical and psychological barriers that come with injuries in order to prevent them from continuing after your body has healed. Most importantly, if you are still physically affected from an old injury be sure to address it with the appropriate health professionals; your body strives for health in all capacities so if you’re having difficulties then find someone who can help!


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